Generate View Link
Share View with others
Once a user creates an interesting visualization that they would like to share with colleagues, there are a couple of options to share this data. The user can simply export the view using the buttons on the upper right of the screen:
Alternatively, by clicking on Menu → Generate View Link:
A user can create a hyperlink that can be shared to other users with access to the Land Explorer. The link will be copied and pasted to the clipboard and can be shared instantly. This a particularly useful option to provide someone that may want to further customize the visualization, but without having to filter down to the samples of interest.
Customized View Generation
The link created through the option described above (Generate View Link) also can function as a way for users to generate a landing page that is pre-filtered to the samples, view and grouping they would like to use.
For example, the partial link below contains information related to Land, Gene, View, Grouping and Filters:
MainPage?landName=HumanDisease_B37&geneID=il6%2C& viewID=RnaSeq_Transcript.GeneVariable& grouping=DiseaseState&trellis=No+Trellis& filters=Sample%7CDiseaseCategory%7Carthritis%0D%0Anormal+control
The resulting view will reflect all the customizations performed by the previous user:
If this user (or another user) wants to recreate this view, but for say another gene, the link can be modified to change the geneID in the link above. Alternatively, you can simply search the alternate gene name in the view that appears when you use the previous link.