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Customizing Available Land Views

Users of Array Studio are familiar with many of the available Land Views that can be used to visualize data. The Land Explorer is fully customizable to provide many of the rich visualizations of Array Studio, or simplified with a minimal number of key views. The customizations can be performed by specific users within Land Explorer, or by the administrator of Land Explorer for all users.

User-defined Land Explorer views

By default, for each type of view (i.e. Sample, Gene, Comparison), a small group of views will initially be available. Users can add or remove individual views, by clicking on the settings icon next to the available view drop-down menu.


Administrator-defined Land Explorer Views

During installation of Land Explorer, administrator can define available views for all users. These views can be defined in the LandExplorer.cfg file. Please contact Omicsoft Support ( for assistance in customizing this setting.